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What she wants in a house isn’t what I want in a house

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We’ve considered moving as of late. My wife hates Texas. She especially hates the summer weather. I find this view totally perplexing and inconceivable (the hating Texas part not the summer weather part), but there you have it.

She’s been looking at a lot of houses online. She often says ‘look at this house and tell me what you think’. Twenty houses later and I’m ready to go live in a cave.

It is interesting the difference in what we both look for in a house.

She is all about the aesthetics – does it have a stone stacked fireplace, does it have a beautiful view, what are the kitchen counters made of, does it have vaulted ceilings, what are the bathrooms like, etc.

I’m all about the functionality – is the house solidly constructed with as-close-to-zero maintenance / upkeep as possible, can we fit our appliances through the doors and get them to their designated rooms, does the plumbing all work, is there a fenced in area for the dogs to run around in, are there built-in bookcases, etc.

Maybe its a man / woman thing. I suppose we need both to make the place livable for us both and going with just one viewpoint isn’t sufficient to make a good decision. As long as we don’t lean too far towards one extreme or the other we’ll do okay.

But that ‘hating Texas’ thing, I just don’t get it.

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