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The trouble with water aerobics

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The wife has issues with her back so she goes to water aerobics classes to help alleviate the pain. She does extremely well in the water and it gives her some relief from the back pain she experiences. Lucky me, I get to go with her.

There’s a ‘regular crowd’ at the class with the occasional new face wandering in or out. It seems that most of the conversation centers around food, and where the best places, or new places, to eat are, and what food they serve. I’m usually hungry by the time the class is over. Maybe there’s something about water aerobics that attracts foodies?

I can do most of the exercises fairly easily. One of the instructors is pretty laid back, and gives us an exercise and we do it for a few minutes, then go on to the next exercise.

The other instructor, not so much. She mixes things up and combines various single exercises the first instructor will hit us with. I always have to stop and think about what I’m trying to do when we get the combinations. It’s sort of like trying to rub your stomach in a clockwise motion with your left hand and pat the top of your head with your right hand. I can do it, but it takes me a few moments to concentrate on what I’m doing before I can get into the rhythm of the exercise. It seems like I just get things coordinated when we’re already moving on to the next exercise.

She also does a lot of exercises with pool noodles – those long foam tubes that you use to keep yourself afloat. It changes things up and that’s fine, but my problem comes from the fact that the dang things have more buoyancy than I do!

We have to do things like push the noodle straight down in the water, which is hard enough, but I can usually manage. Then comes the tricky part. She’ll want us to keep our arms straight down, and lean over to the side, so are feet are on the pool floor, and our bodies are at an angle in the water.

I have a deuce of a time trying to keep the poodle noodle below the water in such cases, and I can almost never keep my arm straight down the way she wants. The noodle keeps rising to the surface of the water, which often dunks my head beneath the surface.

I’ll tell ya, it’s more fun than any person ought to be allowed to have.

I hope you’re doing well and staying healthy, my Hordeling.

If you’d like to support my efforts, why not buy me a chocolate chip cookie through my Ko-Fi page?

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