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Plot twist! Or, The Wife Takes A Fall

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Well, the author of our life story decided to throw in a plot twist today.

We just got home from the pool and the wife decided to pull some weeds from around the phlox near the back door. She bent over ad pulled the weeds, and somehow as she was straightening up. Her shoes were wet which didn’t help and she had problems maintaining her stance. She toppled forward and banged her head against the stone siding on the house. Her head started bleeding profusely, blood running down her forehead and the side of her nose. We wrapped the towel she used at the pool around her head and put pressure on the wound to help stop the bleeding.

I couldn’t get her up, so I called our neighbor who is an EMT. He was off today but not at home. He called Fire and Rescue for us, who have people on staff that help with getting people up after they fall. Jeanette kept moving and trying to get up but I made her stay put until the firefighters could arrive.

The two firefighters showed up about ten minutes later and helped get Jeanette off the ground. They looked at her head and said we should go to the ER to have it looked at. I walked the wife to the car ad got her into the passenger seat.

I drove her to the ER and they got her in right away. The nurse carefully untangled the wife’s hair and cleaned the wound. After some time, they did a CT scan. They found no sign of concussions or neck injury. Thank goodness!

The ER doctor came in. The guy has enormous hands. His hand enveloped mine when we shook hands.

He looked over the wound and declared that he’d be using staples to close the wound. He got a large needle and stabbed it into her head to numb the pain of the staples going in. Then he unpacked the stapler, and put eight staples in her head and let her go. We’ll have to go back in ten days to get them removed.

The wife is doing better but says she has some equilibrium issues when she walks. We’ll have to keep an eye on her to see how she does over the next few days.

Last Sunday the Pastor was giving a sermon and saying that everyone is in one of three states: just having gone through a trial, currently going through a trial, or about to go through a trial. Guess we just started our trial.

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