No, the subject line is not a typo. That’s what happens when I type on my new keyboard. The letters sometime stick, especially the ones on the bottom row, like ‘c’, ‘v’, and ‘n’. I’m not entirely sure if it is the keys sticking or if it’s because it is a wireless keyboard. Either way I usually have to go back through everything I type and check it.
It reminds me of an episode of Danger Mouse, when they has a new scriptwriter who was a terrible typist. The whole episode was read exactly as the script was written, typos and all. Actually made for a very funny episode.
Another problem with the new computer comes when I’m using my headphones and mic for online meetings. I’m told that I sound like the adults in the Charlie Brown cartoons unless I hold my head at just the right distance away from the monitor. I’ve not tried using the built-in speakers and mic yet, because I’m so used to using my headphones. I’ll have to try the built-in peripherals sometime and see if they work any better.
Aside from that, the computer has been great. It’s kept up with me opening LOTS of browser tabs. It has handled all my coding efforts. It streams video ad audio just fine, even if I have several programs open at the same time.
There are a few odd things in Widows 11. If you are going to cut and paste files, the ‘paste’ function is under a sub-menu. Took me a few moments to figure that out as it wasn’t readily apparent.
Also, bringing up the list of all applications, doesn’t. You get a menu of a subset of apps (apparently chosen by what Microsoft thinks you need) and you have to click another button to get to the list of all apps.
Still, overall, I’m happy with the new computer.
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