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Magdalena is a chewer

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So, being about a year old, just at the end of puppy stage, Magdalena is a chewer. At the very least she has a oral fixation.

She claimed Duckie a few days ago out of the dog’s toybox and carries it around the house. Since then, she has laid clam to several other toys. She takes them to her little nook where she sleeps and hides them away from the other dogs.

She is getting along great with Sirocco. She is constantly licking him, or using him as an interactive chew toy. Then again, he does the same with her. The other day while she was still wearing the Cone of Shame, Sirocco was next to her. Magdalena put her head down, covering him with the Cone. The two sat there licking each other. If I’d been a bit quicker I would have gotten a picture.

She has recently started going after Jeanette’s shoes. She picks up one particular pair and carries them around the house before starting to gnaw on them. We have to catch her in the ‘carrying around the house’ stage to prevent damage.

She chewed up the gate on the back porch when she was waiting in the backyard for her morning walk.

But worst of all, she chewed up the TV remote control. Bad doggie, no treat! (Yeah, I know. First World problems.)

Fortunately, through the wonders of modern technology we were able to order a replacement remote, which arrived today, so all is right with the world again.

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