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My faith in the medical community ….

… is eroding.

Woke up this morning around 7:00 A.M. I was feeling a little nauseous so I took a ondansetron (Autobots! Roll out! – that is forever linked in my consciousness now, thanks to Mike Lucas. Thanks Mike!) It was raining out so I couldn’t walk the dogs. Took my blood sugar – 136. A little higher than it should be.

The wife wanted pancakes so I made them. I had a few, with some butter and a tiny bit of syrup.

Everything seemed to be going well, and I lay down to rest. But then I started getting at weird feeling. Headed to the bathroom. I had a few heaves but not much came up. My stomach muscles involved in the process are very sore. I’m hoping they recover soon.

Called my doctor to let him know what was going on.

Went back to sleep. The wife got me up at just before noon and I took my blood sugar again. 144.

Slept until a little after 1:00 P.M. when the wife got me up again. Other than being tired I was relatively OK.

Got lunch for the wife and spent the afternoon watching TV. At some point the wife called the doctor again to let him know that rarely get ill, and she was concerned that I keep having these episodes. The doctor said to stop taking all the meds I’ve been on and see if this stops happening. If it does stop, we’ll revisit going on the drugs again, but maybe one at a time and lower doses until we can dial in what works and doesn’t make me sick.

I’m thinking that might have been the approach to take to begin with. But what do I know?

I understand that the doctor is trying to bring my blood sugar under control. I understand he doesn’t want me to suffer some of the more negative and dire side effects of being diabetic. But I also can’t go through the rest of my life heaving my guts out on a regular basis. I can’t function that way. Anyway, I’m off the meds now and I’m hopig this nausea will abate. We’ll take it from there.

If you’d like to support my efforts, why not buy me a chocolate chip cookie through my Ko-Fi page?

2 thoughts on “My faith in the medical community ….”

  1. Diabetes sucks. Been one for at least 23 years.

    But wouldn’t have pegged you as one. Especially with those numbers.

    Sorry the meds made you sick, though. Maybe there are others you can try.

    Get better.

    1. Thanks. It’s just a matter of aging and my body changing. I’m hoping I can get things back under control again, although it looks like I’m stuck (no pun intended) having to jab myself multiple times a day again. My only upside is that I get to collect data, and being a computer nerd, I like data.

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