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A bit of a scattershot day

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Was up around 6:15 A.M. when the dogs had to go out. Got a little work done before getting the dogs out for their morning walk. Strange not having Houdini meandering along reading every piece of pee mail and responding. The three dogs pretty much charge forth, usually only stopping to potty.

Ate breakfast and got a little more work done. Got a shower.

The wife borrowed my phone and was making calls. Then she announces she has a doctor appointment at noon. That threw my day off.

Got an invoice out to a client and had a phone call with another client to cover some formatting issues on a book of theirs I’m working on.

Took the wife to her appointment. As she was seeing her doctor, I ran an errand for her to return some makeup she got the other day.

Went to lunch, then back home.

Had some problems with the new glucose meter. Twice it gave me an error saying it didn’t have enough blood (which it did) and twice it didn’t even recognize that the blood was applied to the strip. Did manage to get a reading on the wife’s meter.

Got most of the formatting changes done on my client’s book. Got dinner made and ate.

Nearly finished with the formatting changes. And tonight I’ve got to read another chapter on the wife’s work-in-progress before turning in.

Tomorrow is going to be as hectic. The wife has another doctor appointment and we have to get the car inspected so we can renew the annual registration.

Was going to try and get some prep work done for my writing today but things just got out of hand. The quarterly Story Time Blog Hop is coming up at the end of the month ad I need to write a story for that. I wonder what kid of trouble Trolgar will get into this time?

I hope your life is a little less chaotic, my Hordeling.

If you’d like to support my efforts, why not buy me a chocolate chip cookie through my Ko-Fi page?

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