Yes, the small furry brat who shall remain Sirocco-less, woke me up at 5:15 A.M. I tried to ignore him, but he sat by the bedroom door, whining pitifully. I finally got up at 5:30. I decided to not give Sirocco any attention so he gets the idea that waking me up to get it isn’t going to work anymore. Then when I let the dogs out at 6:00 A.M., our neighbor’s dog was on the other side of the fence. The four of them started barking at each other and one of the pickets on the fence came loose as the neighbor’s dog pushed against it. I dragged our three inside so they didn’t wake the whole neighborhood.
I dropped the wife off at the local writers critique meeting, then headed back home. I got back just in time, a few minutes before some friends of mine arrived for a day of gaming.
We took a little time at the beginning of the day to get the fence picket fixed. Also, we tried getting to the battery of the motorized wheelchair my wife’s previous husband used. The battery is dead best as we can tell. We took the plate off the back of the wheelchair and found the cables we needed to get the chair to lift so we could get to the battery. We found the cables but lacked the necessary adapter to plug in a trickle charger so we could get the chair to lift, giving us access to the battery compartment.
We spent the rest of the morning gaming, mainly playing Firefly Shiny Dice. It’s based on the Firefly TV series, and is a ‘press your luck’ dice game. We found it enjoyable but a few of the rules were confusing.
We took a lunch break, went to pick up the wife from the critique meeting, then headed off for bar-be-que for lunch.
We spent the rest of the afternoon playing Zombie Fluxx (how apropos given my last story collection), and a game called Reef. In Reef you draw cards, which tell you how any reef pieces you can draw and place on your game card. If your stacks of pieces match a pattern on the card you drew, you get points. It’s a simple game, but as you get into it you find you need to anticipate what cards will let you draw the best pieces that will end up matching patterns to get points.
After my friends left, I made dinner for us and ate. Watched some TV.
Then, I sat down to do some world building for my new flash fiction collection. Yes, my Hordeling, I did something writing related. I think I have the basic ideas fleshed out, with some potential stories as well. I still need to get some more details in there but I’m fairly happy with what I’ve got down so far.
If you’d like to support my efforts, why not buy me a chocolate chip cookie through my Ko-Fi page?