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More fun with somnambulistic conversations

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I was trying to get some work done this afternoon while the wife was taking a nap. At one point I could hear her talking. My curiosity aroused, I went in to the bedroom to see what was up.

She was indeed asleep, so she wasn’t chatting with someone on her cell phone or anything. The light snoring gave her away.

I stepped closer. Her breathing was slow and steady.

“The dogs ran away with a striped scarf!” she said. It’s always a bit surprising when she does that. I never really expect her to speak while she’s asleep.

“Oh?” I replied. I figured it would be rude of me to not respond. “Would you like me to retrieve it for you?”


“And where are the dogs?” I knew that Major Tom and Magdalena were in the backyard, and Sirocco was sleeping on top of the wife’s chair in the living room.

“I don’t know. I heard them run out of the backyard.”

“Very good. I’ll get it back for you.”

With that, she went back to sleep. I quietly left the room so she could continue her slumbers.

Just to make sure, I went to the back door and opened it. Major Tom and Magdalena were lying in the grass, no striped scarf anywhere to be seen. They both got up and came running into the house.

Later, when she got up from her nap, I asked if she had any dreams while napping. She told me no and that she hadn’t slept very well.

“So, no dreams about a striped scarf?”

“No, why?”

I told her about our conversation and she had no memory of it.

The mind is a strange thing and has odd ways of communicating. It’d be interesting to see what was going on inside her head that caused this conversation. I guess we’ll never know.

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