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Cat to the rescue! Advent flash fiction collection saved! Plus, I need a title

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Woke up this morning to a pleasant surprise. Cat found my missing stories and emailed them to me!

So, now I have the entire collection of the stories I wrote for her Indie Author Advent Calendar over the years. Work now proceeds o getting everything together and getting it published.

That brings me to the following. I need a title for the collection. That’s where you come in, my Hordeling.

Which one of the following titles do you like?

  1. In The Spirit Of Christmas
  2. Tiny Tales of Christmas
  3. A Christmas Medley
  4. Stocking Stuffers
  5. Season’s Readings

Also, which one of the three sub-titles do you like:

A. Ten Christmas Flash Stories
B. Ten Flash Fiction Tales
C. Ten Bite-sized Christmas Reads

Leave a comment and let me know.

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