“After lunch, can we go to that place I got those earrings last year?” the wife asks.
I’ve slept since then so it takes me a bit to think it through. The wife really loves earrings (almost as much as I love mac ‘n cheese) and can find a pair to buy nearly anywhere. The wife is an exceptional shopper. She even managed to find something to buy at the local Driver’s License office one time when I was getting my license renewed.
“You mean that place we went to last year near the Randall’s, Barnes and Noble, and Jason’s Deli?”
“Yeah, that’s the one.” Of course, it’d have to be the one at nearly the opposite end of the main, heavily trafficked road from our house.
“Yeah, I guess so.”
After eating, I grabbed my coat and jacket and off we went. Surprisingly, traffic was not too bad and we made decent time.
We got to the store, followed by two and a half hours of following my wife around as she shopped. She searched for gifts for the grandkids, and her daughters, and maybe a few items for herself. The drawback for me being that everything was ‘girl stuff’. You know – purses, earrings, clothing, accessories, makeup, shoes, that sort of thing. Things which I’m not terribly knowledgeable about or can offer a opinion on. Don’t ask me what goes with what, or do the colors match or complement each other, or anything along those lines, unless you want to take my opinion so you can validate your opinion that it is the wrong choice. My whole purpose for being on this trip was to be supportive of my wife, and carry stuff.
They did have a few anime character figurines, and the occasional toy robot, or even some food items (especially the mac ‘n cheese popcorn) that got my attention. It wasn’t until we got to the greeting cards near the end of the shopping trip that I could take a interest in the process. I can pick out funny greeting cards with the best of them.
The wife did come across a small, black purse, with long fringe strings on it. She fell in love with it. She put it back on the rack twice but kept going back to it. It was a little more expensive than she wanted but decided to treat herself to a Christmas gift. I don’t know if it goes with any of her outfits but if it makes her happy I consider it a good purchase.
She found t-shirts, and earrings, and some pins, and a few other gifts for the kids and grandkids.
Ultimately the wife was happy with her selections, up until the time came to check out. When the final cost of everything was tallied, it came out to more than she wanted to pay for everything. She ended up putting the black bag back along with a few pieces of jewelry she’d picked up for her daughters.
Once the transaction was completed I took all the bundles out to the car. As I was getting the wife in the car she looked across the parking lot.
“Hey, there’s a T. J Maxx! Can we go?”
< heavy sigh >
After another hour there, she found one toy for the granddaughter. At least that should be the end of the matter.
How goes your shopping, my Hordeling?
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