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And then there was this pop ….

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Today was a good day. Friends of mine came down for a day of gaming, an all too rare occurrence these days. We had planned this for the end of December but it got delayed until now due to the wife being in the ER at the time.

Overall, the day went well. We played Fluxx Zombie, Quiddler and watched movies. The wife even sat in on a game of Quiddler. We thought she might like it, since it uses the same skills you use in Scrabble. No real determination yet as to if she enjoyed it or not. He also brought his custom Klingon Scrabble board. It’s a Scrabble board, but done in Klingon. I wonder if I played the wife a game of Scrabble on the Klingon board if I’d be more likely to win?

A Scrabble board written in the Klingon language

We also sat around and talked about our long running D&D campaign. My Half-Orc Paladin is after a Pirate King, his sworn nemesis. The Pirate King started it by stealing a shipment of weapons from dwarven merchants. (My Paladin has a history with the dwarves, and while not a dwarf himself, doesn’t like people stealing from the dwarves.) We tracked the Pirate King to his base, and promptly got in a duel with him. One of my character’s abilities is that he’s tough to kill. When he gets down to zero (or lower) hit points (how damage against your character is tracked) he gets back up with one hit point. The Pirate King took my Paladin down to negative hit points, and thinking he’d won turned his back. My Paladin got back up, won the duel, and tied the Pirate King up. We retrieved the weapons and left to return them to the dwarves. Regrettably my character didn’t get to kill the Pirate King (you’re not supposed to kill prisoners when you’re a Paladin). They’ve had a running feud between them ever since. We’re getting to the final showdown between them. It would all have been simpler if my character had killed the Pirate King in the first duel.

We stopped and had lunch along the way. This is notable mainly because there were brownies involved. < Homer Simpson > Mmmmm, brownies!

There was an event during the day that was puzzling. We were sitting around discussing the D&D campaign, and then in the kitchen there a loud “pop!”. It sounded sort of like a breaker being flipped. The dishwasher was running so we don’t think it was that. The garbage disposal is also connected to the same circuit. When the dishwasher finished running, I checked the garbage disposal and it was working. I looked all over the kitchen in case something had fallen on the floor. Couldn’t find anything. The refrigerator was running.

I went upstairs to look around and check on the washer and dryer. Both functioning.

The wife said she could smell a little smoke, so I checked all the cabinets in the kitchen as well. Nothing.

I’m not sure what the pop was or what caused it, but I didn’t find anything out of the ordinary. I’m just hoping we don’t end up having an electrical fire or something.

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