Tip o’ the hat to The Tick for today’s subject line.
I look around our house and realize we still have a lot of shtuff.
We’re making some progress on getting the house cleaned out. Maybe not as much as we should be but we’re making progress.
The other day we took a load of children’s clothes to a resale shop. Much like taking my books in for sale to Half-Price Books the process was fairly straightforward. You take the clothes in, they look through them to see what they want to try to resell, then they give you money for them. The store also does toys and kids books.
Another bonus is that the store next to the kids resale shop does adult clothing. The wife has a lot of clothes that she doesn’t wear any more. We’ve collected a lot of them already. All we have to do is take them in. We haven’t gone through all the closets in the house yet, so we may end up waiting until we’ve done that until we take them to the resale shop. I’m fine with taking them in bundles. I figure anything we can get out of the house and free up some space is a Good Thing ™.
We took a stack of books to my step-daughter and step-granddaughter this evening for them to look through. The step-daughter didn’t take any but the step-granddaughter took a sizable stack. (That’s my girl!) We’ll probably take the rest of them to either the kids resale shop or Half-Price Books to unload them. Yet another stack of stuff out of the house.
We still have the many boxes of things the wife has sorted into the ‘sell’ piles. That’s the shtuff we really need to focus on getting rid of. We need the weather to get a little less cold and rainy so we can stage a garage sale (or three). I am dubious that many of the things the wife wants to sell will really sell but I’m willing to give it a shot. If we get rid of it all, great. If not, we’ll probably take it to GoodWill and donate it. If all else fails, I’ll put it on the curb with a big sign that reads “FREE!” and wait for people to take it, or the garbage men to throw it in the back of the truck, whichever comes first. A friend of mine says that instead of putting a “FREE!” sign on the shtuff I should put a “DO NOT TAKE!” sign on it. Hey, if one doesn’t work I’ll try the other.
Other than all that I’m working on putting items on eBay. I’m hoping they will sell there but if not, I’ll take whatever is left and subject it to the same processes listed above.
We will be out of this house by the end of May, one way or another.
If you’d like to support my efforts, why not buy me a chocolate chip cookie through my Ko-Fi page? https://ko-fi.com/jhusum