James Husum writes in multiple genres, but mainly in the science fiction, fantasy and mystery genres (sometimes in various combinations of the three.) He writes for all ages, from adult to YA to kids books. He strives to make his works entertaining for his readers, offering them a distraction from the real world.
James spent several decades working in the software industry, creating online publishing platforms, corporate training platforms, and writing software for NASA. In addition to writing software he has written technical manuals in how to operate various programs.
When he isn’t writing, he spends his time reading anything he can get his hands on, doodling, and plotting his next story. He’s also been known to teach Python programming classes from time to time.
James has had several short stories published and won several writing competitions. He is working on his next novel.
His first novel is available –
He has stories published in these anthologies –
It Happened In A Flash: 64 Bite-sized Stories
The Lunchtime Anthologies: Gable Heights
Suddenly II
Suddenly V