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Why am I doing this?

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A few weeks ago I was able to attend WorldCon, the world’s largest science fiction convention. There were many panels on writing and I attended most of them.

So, what did I learn? Well, it seems that I am not socially savvy, I am not a young, handsome studmuffin, I do not have a great speaking voice, and I do not have a massive social network following ready to buy my works once they are put out.

In addition, there are bad editors and agents preying on the novice writer, horrendous contracts that take all your rights to your work, scams, cyberbullies, stalkers, and any number of traps and pitfalls that the unwary neophyte writer (and even some well-seasoned experienced writers) can get caught in.

So, why am I doing this? To quote The Mask “Because I gotta!”

Best get to it.

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