That’s my total number of words written over the last year. I started on December 3 of last year and decided I was going to write every day, come Hell or high water. And I’ve done it. My goal was to get at least 100 words every day. I did that and usually ended up with more.
There was one day when I only got 4 words written. Still counts.
In that 74,006 words I got a few short stories, part of a novel, and lots of bits and pieces. I’m planning to get one of the short stories ready for publication. The others may eventually see the light of day but I’m not happy with the way they turned out. I may revisit them later and see if I still don’t like them, or if I might revise them for publication.
I’ve also gotten a lot of work done on getting my first novel (more of a novella actually) ready to go. Cover is done and working on getting the text formatted for eBook publishing. Then ‘ll look into publishing a dead tree version and maybe an audio version. We’ll see how things go.
Let’s see how long I can keep this streak going.