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I have a story on the AIARWIP 2020 Halloween podcast

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Holly Lisle and her daughter Rebecca Galardo have been running the Alone In a Room With Invisible People podcast for several years now. Each Hallowe’en they put together an episode with flash fiction stories submitted by listeners and folks on the forum.

For the second year in a row I submitted a story and had it accepted. The story is called “It Ain’t Over Until the Fat Man ….” and you can find it at about the 1:06:00 mark for the episode.

Alas, this episode also marks the end of the podcast. It takes a lot of time, energy and effort to produce. Holly has recently stated that she wants to return all her creative energies toward writing fiction. She has lots of stories she wants to write and limited time to get them all written. Rebecca is also starting to produce her own fiction and would like to dedicate more time to it as well.

I’m sorry to see the podcast go. It contains a truckload of good information on writing and having a writing career. Holly has stated that she will leave the site and podcast episodes online as an archive for people to learn from. Rebecca has said she’s like to continue doing the annual story episodes but she doesn’t know exactly what will happen or how they might get released into the world. The topic will be revisited next year.

In the meantime, enjoy all the stories. And I hope you like mine, too.

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