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Oh yes they call him the Streak ….

Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog. Apologies to Ray Stevens for the headline.

I know, I know. It’s been a while since you’ve heard from me here. I’m terrible about keeping in touch with my audience. I’m trying to change that.

I’m going to start posting to this blog daily. I’m going to discuss whatever is on my mind at the time. It could be projects I’m working on, character ideas, books I’ve read, movies and TV shows I’ve watched, current events, and / or my dogs. Probably a lot about my dogs.

I’m doing this for several reasons. I need to get back into the writing habit. Life has been kicking me around a lot behind the scenes and I’ve not been keeping up my writing discipline. Author Dean Wesley Smith posts to his blog every day, mainly so he can keep his streak going. It’s been a number of years that he’s done it and hasn’t missed a day. Apparently he got the idea from Jerry Seinfeld, who said if you want to get good at something, do it every day, and mark it off on a calendar. When you see that the chain of Xs keeps growing, it encourages you to keep going. So, I’m going to give it a try.

Also, I’m hoping that through these daily posts, you’ll get to know me better. If you know me better, and my kind of crazy matches up with your kind of crazy, you might like my books when I put them out.

I might have promotional material or affiliate links in these posts. I’ve got to make some money somehow as I’m working on building up my catalog of works. Any affiliate links for products that you click on and buy doesn’t increase the cost to you to make the purchase. I get a small commission from the seller of the product for recommending it to you. I’m not going to get rich this way, but it might help cover some of the hosting costs of this site. I’m not going to link to anything I haven’t read or purchased myself, so I’m going to be honest with any recommendations I make. If you never click on any of the affiliate links, that’s fine too.

Finally, if none of the above sounds good to you, you can be on your way and forget about this blog. No hard feelings if you do. I’m going to be coming to you daily (at least Monday through Friday, not sure about weekends yet) and if you think that will be too much, maybe you’ll want to come back once a week or so. I hope you stick around though. I think things are going to start getting more interesting around here.

1 thought on “Oh yes they call him the Streak ….”

  1. Pingback: My 200th Daily Post – James Husum – Writer

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