Success! We have gotten the one dusty room in the house (mostly) cleaned out. We can get into and out of it easily, things are (mostly) organized and sorted, and we’ve cleaned out a lot of the dust. Still some more dust to deal with but that part should be easier now too.
So, what did we find in the dusty room? My wife’s books.
Now, two years ago when I cleaned out my house I had to do the same thing with my library. Except my library covered most of the house. I had 56 boxes of books when I moved in, and double that when I moved out.
My wife loves books, but doesn’t hold to hers with a death grip like I do. She has started the process of sorting hers into the keeps / maybes / get rid ofs. She’s further sorted the get rid ofs into ones that might be worth trying to sell on ebay, or if they need to be dropped off at the local used bookstore.
I’m so proud of her. I know from experience that this can be a difficult and painful process. I’m helping out as much as I can.
The other nice thing is that after we get through the books we can start moving on to her other stuff. Every little bit gets us one step closer to getting the house sold.
If you want to help support us getting the house cleaned out, why not buy me a chocolate chip cookie through my Ko-Fi page?