Just a few random notes this evening.
The next quarterly Blog Hop is coming up next week on Wednesday, July 31. I finished off my story and have it ready to go. Be sure to stop by the blog so you can read it, then follow the links to the other blogs participating so you can read their stories.
Magdalena and Houdini have walked together for several mornings now and they get along well. Magdalena doesn’t charge forward and pull my arm out of its socket like she does when walking by herself. She usually stays fairly calm and walks (mostly) at a pace that Houdini and I can keep up with.
We had no major incidents between Magdalena and the rest of the pack today. They passed by each other several times going in and out the back door without incident. Sirocco still isn’t sure about her and has hidden under our bed and behind the TV stand to get away from her. We all spent time together in the living room, with Magdalena getting pets on one side of me and Major Tom getting pets on the other, with no problems.
Major did get snarly when Magdalena walked into the kitchen while he was eating. He started to growl and I was there in an instant to get Magdalena out of there.
We almost had a great sunset this evening but it didn’t turn into the colorful scene I was expecting. I was out front trying to get some photos of the sunset when a deer came strolling by. It saw me and bolted before I could get a picture of it. 🙁

I got a notice that my new computer has shipped and should be here next Friday at the latest. I’m eager to get it so I can I get moving on some projects.
I’ve been craving quesadillas most of this month. Not sure why. I think it has something to do with our plans to go out for dinner on July 4th but everything was closed down for the holiday, including the Mexican restaurant we’d planned to eat at. I was looking forward to getting some quesadillas that night. I’ve had them several times since that night but I still crave them. Go figure.
Stay well, my Hordeling.
If you’d like to support my efforts, why not buy me a chocolate chip cookie through my Ko-Fi page? https://ko-fi.com/jhusum