So, I’ve been battling with email sequences all day, to no avail. In between I’ve been running errands with the wife. The dogs have obviously invested in a paper towel company as I’ve had to clean up several spots of pee inside. I had to break up one brief battle between Major Tom and Magdalena triggered by food (again.)
It hasn’t been quite as bad as a Monday, but it has been hectic. While I was in the corporate world as a programmer, the Universe shoved lots of extra Mondays into my weeks, replacing Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Sometimes, although rarely, it’d replace a Friday too. I’ve been reclaiming those other weekdays since I semi-retired, and usually only have to deal with one Monday per week. As I’ve said before Monday is one Hell of a way to spend a seventh of your life.
The nice thing though is that I am of an age where I can appreciate a really good sunset. At the end of the day, I can unwind, let all the stress go, and watch the sunset.
The wife and I can sit on our porch most evenings as the sun slowly sets in the west. We usually have a lot of clouds, so we get to watch them float by and turn different shades of pink and salmon, and grey. Words, and even pictures cannot justify the sight. It is one of those things that you can only really appreciate from seeing it yourself.
I hope you have the ability to just relax and unwind at the end of the day watching something beautiful, my Hordeling.
If you’d like to support my efforts, why not buy me a chocolate chip cookie through my Ko-Fi page?