The last flash fiction piece wasn’t falling into place, so I discussed it with the wife while driving her to a doctor’s appointment this afternoon. I told her the basic ideas of the stories were zombies came back from the dead but they weren’t doing what you’d expect from zombies.
The story I was stuck on was about a dead husband returning to his wife and resuming doing what he always did.
To which the wife replied “Well, she’s not going to want to have sex with a rotting corpse.”
First off, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
And second off, that’s the first thing your mind jumps to when a dead husband returns home? Well, she does write horror stories. But now I’m trying to keep the Muse from wanting to write zombie porn.
Anyway, I figured out what was wrong with the story. And she did give me an idea for one more story, maybe two. If I write one more the collection will go up to eleven! (Cue Spinal Tap reference.) I’m going to let the stories sit for a day or so, then revise them as necessary, and then get them ready to publish.
On now to more dog shtuff.
Yesterday we took Magdalena in to get spayed, then picked her up later in the day to bring her home. She was still under the influence of the anesthesia and moving kind of slow, but she was very happy to see us.
We let her lay quietly in the house for the evening. The other dogs were good and didn’t bother her. It wasn’t until nearly bedtime that se showed some signs of life. Unfortunately one of those signs was she immediately started trying to lick the incision. We got a cone from the vet but I was hoping we wouldn’t need to use it. Alas, I put it on her, with only a little struggle. I was on the floor with her as she put her head down, pinning my leg underneath the cone. The wife had to help me to get Magdalena’s head lifted and free me.
The poor dog has a little trouble maneuvering around the house as there are some tight spaces where she can’t get through without catching the cone on a piece of furniture. The same with going in and out the back door. And trying to eat or drink. This is going to be an interesting two weeks.
When we finally did get to bed, Magdalena was lying on the floor next to my side of the bed. Despite being given a pain pill, she was whining ad kept trying to lick the incision. I imagine it is a lot like when your arm is in a cast and itches like crazy and you can’t scratch it.
I got out of bed and sat with her, petting her and keeping her calm. Every time I thought she was going to sleep, and I stopped petting her, she started whining again. I stayed with her until somewhere around 1:00 A.M., then finally got to sleep.
Unfortunately, Sirocco decided to get an early start on the day and woke me up around 5:30 A.M.
Such is life with dogs, my Hordeling.
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