So, I went to collect all my zombie flash fiction tales together in one document so I can get the collection ready to publish.
I found eight of the eleven tales, but now I can’t find the other three. I’ve done searches through my hard drive but they are not turning up. I know I have them. I just don’t know where they are. I’m sure they will turn up.
Once I have them all together, I’ll do another editing pass and see if any of them need tightening up. Then I’ll get the text formatted for ebook distribution. Then I need to come up with a cover for the collection.
In today’s dog news – Magdalena has now found a ‘security toy’, sort of like a security blanket, in the form of a duck toy. Major Tom and Sirocco have played with the duck toy in the past, but it isn’t a favorite for either one. Magdalena pulled it out of the basket of toys and has barely let it go since. She carries it everywhere with her around the house.
Major Tom got jealous and decided she couldn’t have the duck and he wanted it back. He went to take it from Magdalena and she snapped at him. He learned real fast to not try to retrieve the duck.
If it makes her happy, and feel more secure around he house, I’m all for it.

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