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Starting on the series bible

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If you’ve ever watched a TV program, there was probably a series bible that went with it.

At its simplest, a series bible is a pitch document used to promote a TV series to executives and others who might be interested in producing it. It shows the executives that your story is more than a one-hour pilot, and there are more stories to tell in that setting using those characters.

In a more expanded format, the series bible contains a pitch (what the show is about), the format of the show, a brief synopsis of future episodes, character bios, setting details, and more. Basically everything you need to know if you’re going to write stories for that program.

I started putting ideas down for the series I want to write. Its all just rough notes for now. I’ve got some setting information, a little bit about all the different factions involved (seven so far), and some ideas for characters and a few basic bios for them.

I’m going to have to continue fleshing this out, of course. I have two or three ideas for storylines, but I’ll need more than that to keep the series going.

I’ve been thinking about how I’m going to deliver this series. I could do it all here on my own site. I could do it through Kindle Vella, but from everything I’ve heard I’m rather dubious that it would be worthwhile. I could do it on some platform like Medium or Substack. Do you have any preference among these options, my Hordeling? Leave a comment and let me know if you do.

And of course, while I was working on all this, my Muse threw another idea for a different series at me. I can’t keep up with all the ideas she throws at me.

If you’d like to support my efforts, why not buy me a chocolate chip cookie through my Ko-Fi page?

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