Once more into the breach, my Hordeling.
We made it back to the Christmas Room this afternoon. More fun than anyone ought to be legally allowed to have.
We dug through more boxes, one by one. It seems that we are collecting purple and pink ornaments, presumably because they are going on the tree this year. Other colors were put aside. The wife is of the opinion that we can sell the ornaments she no longer wants, but I am dubious of being able to do so.
We did throw away a large amount of junk. Its good to be able to clear out some room just to be able to move around. At one point we had so much shtuff piled up at the doorway to the room I had trouble getting in and out. We’ve filled up nearly one industrial strength contractor’s bag, the type used at construction sites. The things are nigh indestructible and hold 35 gallons of trash. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
We came across some empty boxes, which helped with sorting things to keep / sell. And bags of plastic bags. Tons of them. We’re holding on to them because they are useful for wrapping fragile items before packing them in boxes (like ornaments). At least they are coming in useful.
We’ve made it through about eighty (80) percent of the room now, so there is a definite end in sight. A lot of what is left is wrapping paper (so much wrapping paper!) and gift bags / boxes. There are some ornaments and miscellaneous things but I think we’ve been through the worst of it now.
I got a quick fifteen minute nap in after all the work.
When I got up, the wife decided she wanted to go to the Christmas store. One opened up just down the street. It’s one of those seasonal stores that pops up just long enough to sell a lot of Christmas shtuff, then disappears again until next year. Sort of like a consumer Brigadoon.
The wife enjoyed wandering the aisles, looking at all the ornaments, trees, decorations, and whatnots. There was one tree that was decorated around the theme of the Grinch. She thought it was the best tree in the store. I have to admit it was pretty impressive.
Ultimately, the wife bought more ornaments. I can’t fault her for it. When I get rid of lots of books, I end up getting more of them. If I do that, she can do the same with her obsession of Christmas shtuff.
We’ll probably get to the last of the Christmas Room in the next few days so the whole thing will be completed so we won’t have to worry about it over the holidays. Which is good in my opinion. I don’t want things hanging over me to detract from the enjoyment of the holidays.
I hope your holidays are shaping up to be good ones, my Hordeling.
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