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About that unexpected radio silence

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Short and sweet tonight.

The few days leading up to Christmas were rather hectic and stressful. On Sunday, the wife got up around 11:30 AM. I found her leaning over the bed, unable to stand up. I managed to get her sitting on the bed, but she was having trouble communicating. I could ask her a direct question like ‘what is your name?’ and she knew the answer. She kept looking around the room, as if she was searching for something. If I asked her ‘what are you looking for?’ she couldn’t answer.

I had her smile, talk, and raise her arms above her head, the three things you are supposed to do to see if someone is having a stroke. She passed all those tests. That lead to me calling the 24-hour nurse line through her insurance company. They said the wife needed to go to the ER and get checked out.

We ended up at the ER and were admitted swiftly. After some initial tests the ER doctor said it wasn’t a stroke. He also said he didn’t think her kidneys were doing as well as they should so she was going to be kept overnight and given intravenous fluids, due to her dehydration. One of the patients down the hallway was screaming his head off the whole time we were there.

I came home to take care of the dogs and eat. There wasn’t much I could do while they gave her IV fluids. I figured I’d go get her the next morning and we’d be back home in no time.

Went back to the hospital the next morning only to find my wife’s personality had changed literally overnight. She had gotten it into her head that everyone in the hospital was out to get her. She wouldn’t eat the food because it was ‘tainted.’ She said she was being recorded through all the electrodes connected to her so ‘they’ could negate everything she said. She told the security guard passing by her room that they were out to get her. She accused the aide sitting in her room of working for the ‘pharma’ and giving her bad drugs.

She had blood tests and an MRI. The blood tests all came back good, and the MRI was clean.

She was a real handful for all involved. We left before the doctor gave us a final diagnosis because we didn’t want to have to wait overnight again. They have some silly procedure that doctors only make rounds once in the morning and give you the results then. When we got out of there she thought every car on the road was one from the hospital and was following us.

Thankfully on Christmas morning she reverted back to her old self. I really know she is back to her old self as of today because we went to do her favorite activity all day – shopping.

Consequently, I’m exhausted from the last couple of days.

Sleep well, my Hordeling.

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