It’s been one of those days, my Hordeling.
The wife got up this morning, checked her blood sugar and it was on the dangerously low end. Through the day it rocketed up to the dangerously high end. It was all over the place in between.
Ultimately we ended up at the ER to try to find out what was going on.
They did tests and discovered she had a really bad urinary tract infection (UTI). It seems that it is causing interference with her body absorbing her insulin, which is why her blood sugars were all over the place. In addition, the doctor said she has acute kidney injury. They are admitting her to the hospital and keeping her for several days. Great, just as the nasty cold weather is scheduled to hit the area.
This is becoming a tradition I’d rather not have.
Anyway, it’s been a long day and I’m worn out. Gonna hit the hay.
I hope tomorrow goes better, my Hordeling.
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