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Stream of consciousness

Just some general random thoughts running around my brain tonight.

I need to get organized. I think one of the problems I have with all the mental churn comes from having a messy work environment. I’ve got papers all over desk – notes to myself, notes for other people, some old mail. The mail should be filed away or tossed out. The notes should be collated, processed and either recorded in a notebook (or captured somehow) and then tossed.

We ended up playing Scrabble with our friend. During the games I end up with all sorts of crazy things in my hand. Complete words, complete words missing one letter, acronyms and abbreviations. (Why is abbreviation such a long word for such a short thing?) I had the following set of letters in this order in my hand:

It made me think of a character in a classic epic fantasy novel. You win a know-prize if you know who the character is and what book they are found in.

Never let other people touch your filling system. It has happened twice that someone else has totally messed up my file system, both times when I wasn’t around to stop them. Both times the other person thought they were “helping”, by reorganizing my files into the way that made sense for them, not me. I have never fully recovered from either rearrangement. I’m at the point, since we’re cleaning out the house anyway, that I need to just pull everything out of the filing cabinet, rebuild the filing system the way I want it, then file everything again. I that process, I should also probably toss any old, outdated, no longer necessary items.

Should I do the above, anyone touching my filing system will find themselves on the receiving end of a can of whoop-ass.

If you wash the dishes, how come you get fewer soap suds if you use hot water than if you use cold water?

If androids dream of electric sheep, what do electric sheep dream about?

What’s the proper punchline to any surrealist joke? The fish.

A man lives on the top floor of an apartment building. Each day when he gets home, he takes the elevator up to his floor. Some days he goes all the way, other times he goes halfway, then walks the rest on the way up. Why?

I’m currently learning about building PHP web apps, using a Model – View – Controller framework. This lets you separate out the parts of your app that do the work (the Model), the parts that directs the system to what the user needs (the Controller), and the part that the user sees (the View). Splitting things up this way makes it easier to maintain the code (remember, the longest part of any software project is maintaining the code.) It also makes it easier to work on the app if you have a team. The database ad bean counters can work on the model, the user experience people a figure out how to make the rip through the app the smoothest for the user, and the web designer can make the site look pretty. Each can work on their parts separately, then bring them together and easily integrate them. I’m enjoying the learning process and look forward to using the MVC framework on some future projects.

Because it came up in conversation today – the difference between “hard’ science fiction and space opera – 2001: A Space Odyssey, hard sci-fi. Star Wars, space opera.

That’s it. What’s running around in your head, my Hordeling?

If you’d like to support my efforts, why not buy me a chocolate chip cookie through my Ko-Fi page?

1 thought on “Stream of consciousness”

  1. Actually, suds are completely superfluous to the cleaning process. They are a natural byproduct of most natural soaps, but they make no difference when you are washing whatever — hands, hair, dishes, laundry, etc. Later, when detergents became available for common use, detergent producers where amazed to find that people didn’t believe anything was getting truly clean if there weren’t any suds. So they started adding agents to the detergents to produce suds, and lo and behold, people started buying detergents.

    If you look at the very cheapest generic detergents, whether laundry or dishwashing, you will see that they have no suds at all. They clean just as well, but they lower the price by not adding the completely unnecessary sudsing agents.

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