This week has been hectic.
We’ve been trying to get more stuff boxed / sorted / disposed of / sold off as we continue to try and get the house cleared out. It doesn’t always seem like it but we are making progress. If we can continue to get at least one thing done a day we should be good for getting everything done by the end of May.
In addition to house shtuff, the wife has had a lot of doctor appointments this week. Mostly following up on the recent string of weekend ER visits. The cardiologist (heart) and the nephrologist (kidney) doctors have turned her down for knee replacement surgery because her heart and kidneys put her at great risk of not coming out of the surgery alive. There isn’t much more the cardiologist can do for her. The kidney doctor is trying to get her back on a continuous glucose monitor so we can better track her sugar levels. We tried one once before but had problems keeping it on her.
One good thing to come out of all this is the wife has decided to lose some weight. This is something her doctors have tried to get her to do before. Now she is realizing the impact it is having on her health and the benefits that will come with the weight loss. I fully support my wife in his endeavor as I’d like to keep her around a while longer.
In spite of all this, we had a nice, calm lunch out today. We went to Carraba’s Italian Grill. The wife got the eggplant parmesan and fettuccini, while I went for the lasagna. Both were good. We love the bread they serve with the meal, especially when dipped in the oil and herbs they put on the table. Yes, I know the bread is bad for us, but it is so tasty. The lasagna and fettuccini are probably bad for us too. A little cheat every now and again is going to happen. As long as we eat better the rest of the time I figure it will even out.
It was nice to just be able to sit, enjoy a good meal, and put all the rest of the chaos aside for a hour or so. Running at full speed non-stop can wear you down. Being able to take a break from it can do wonders for you. It lets you recharge then get back to the tasks at hand.
This evening we were able to do a lot of shredding < Tim Allen simian grunting >, sort out a stack of paper into keeping, shredding and recycling (mostly the second two) and clear off much of the kitchen table which had become a catch-all for other stuff we didn’t know what to do with at the time we were sorting other rooms in the house. So, yay us.
I hope things are going your way in life, my Hordeling.
If you’d like to support my efforts, why not buy me a chocolate chip cookie through my Ko-Fi page?