The other morning I was getting Magdalena ready for her walk. I put a harness on her then attach the leash to the harness. I find she walks better this way than if I try to attach the leash to her collar. She still pulls, but not nearly as much or as often.
As I was putting the harness on her, I noticed it was … snug. A little harder to get on and a little tighter on her.
Our Husky is getting husky.
I don’t think it is for lack of exercise. I take her on a long walk around the block, as opposed to the other two who just get walked up the street and back. Being a Husky, a young one at that, she has a lot of excess energy. Thus, I take her on the longer walks in an attempt to bleed off some of that energy and get her to calm down. She runs around the backyard with Major Tom when we get back so I’m not sure how much good it is doing to that end.
The son-in-law has noticed the increase in her girth too. He came over the other day to help me move some stuff around the house. As soon as he got in the front door he saw Magdalena and commented on how much weight she has gained.
I’ve been watching the dogs eat this week. They all get fed the same amount. Sirocco will start on his bowl, but stop about midway through. Major Tom does the same. Magdalena eats all of her food, then goes to the other two bowls to finish them off. Major Tom and Sirocco will return to their bowls to fid Magdalena has eaten them or is in the process of eating them. I’ve had to start taking the other dog bowls away from her and putting them back down again when Major Tom and Sirocco come back. Even so, I fid Major Tom ad Sirocco scouring the kitchen for scraps of dog food. We used to feed Magdalena outside so everyone would eat their own food but we stopped doing that when the weather started getting wetter and colder. Looks like we might have to start doing it again.
We really need to find something for her to do. She gets bored during the day. Her solution is usually to grab Sirocco by the tail and drag him through the house. Sirocco doesn’t like it and it is hard to catch up with Magdalena to get her to stop. Yelling at her doesn’t always work. I understand she’s young and bored but the wife can’t interact with the dog. I can for short bits but I can’t devote my whole day to keeping the dog amused. If we can find something to keep her occupied, maybe the extra activity will help her shed a few pounds.
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