I woke up the other morning around 5:15 A.M. I’m not sure what woke me up exactly.
I raised my head to look at the clock to see what time it was, and whether I should try to get back to sleep or not. The wife was sleeping next to me, gently snoring. She’d make that snorting noise you associate with snoring in cartoons and sitcoms, breathing in while making that sort of clearing your throat noise. It was the exhalation that caught my attention.
When she exhaled, she sounded like she was mumbling something. Her voice sounded like a little girl, around five-years-old or so. I listened and what it sounded like she was saying was ‘let gooooo’.
Let go? Let go of what?
I sat there listening.
< sort > “let gooooo …” < snort > “let gooooo…” < snort > “let gooooo….”
I didn’t know if I should wake her, or just let her continue sleeping. This went on for several minutes.
Was she dreaming, and responding to something in her dream? Was some horrible Thing grabbing her and she was trying to escape, urging it to let go? Or was she clinging to her very life, and this was the voice of a demonic entity sweetly trying to seduce her to ‘let go’ of her mortal coil?
I whispered to her that she was all right, and everything was fine. She soon settled down and stopped talking. I don’t know if telling her she was all right did anything or not, or allayed any internal conflicts within her mind. I’m hoping it did.
It took me over half an hour to get back to sleep myself.
Then this morning, at almost 3:00 A.M. the wife screams ‘Hey, Jim!’ This had the effect of startling me awake. I turned over and faced her. “What is it?”
“Oh, I thought you were in the other room.”
Let’s see. There’s a big lump in the bed next to you, and you don’t recognize it as another person?
“No. I’m right here.”
“Well you need to text the kids about the plans for today.”
“It’s almost 3:00 A.M. No one will be awake to answer.”
“Well, go back to sleep then.”
I rolled over but didn’t rest well. Have you ever had one of those situations where your body is physically asleep but your brain is churning away? Yeah, that happened.
I did eventually drift off to sleep. Had a weird dream – something about ordering food at a lodge, and they had a bookstore in it. I kept trying to find something I wanted to read, but people kept getting between me and the bookshelves. I went back to check on my food and there was a humongous line of people waiting for food. My order just happened to be ready, but they had gotten the order all wrong. There was some other part but I woke up and don’t remember what it was.
I hope your slumbers have been more peaceful than mine, my Hordeling.
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