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Invasion of the Fur People

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We had an industrious morning in our household today. My step-daughter came over to help us clean the house, while the wife had me moving boxes and emptying cabinets.

After lunch I spent some time working on my side coding project. I’m making some progress but not nearly as fast as I would like.

Late in the afternoon I figured it was time for a well-deserved nap. I went to the bedroom, set a timer and lay down. Everything was good. No lawn folks cutting the grass nearby, no noise from the TV, temperature in the room was pleasant. I closed my eyes and anticipated getting a nice slumber.

I was just drifting off when I heard the clicking of little, sharp nails coming across the floor toward the bed. Click click click click click ….

I then heard another set of clicking nails coming toward the bed, but these were from a heavier tread.

I then felt pressure on the side of the bed. I opened my eyes to find Major Tom staring at me. “What?”

He leaned in as close as he could get to me, and nudged my hand with his nose. “You can’t go get pets somewhere else?”

He sat there, staring at me, then tried moving my hand with his paw. “Fine. You big baby.”

I gave him some scritches and as I was doing so I noted Sirocco was sitting on the floor behind Major Tom. Apparently Major Tom cut in line to get his pets first.

Major Tom kept licking my arm as I was giving him scritches. Maybe I was salty after moving boxes all around? He eventually had his fill and left.

I was about to try sleeping again when Sirocco put his paws up on he edge of the bed, as if to say “I was here first.”

“Fine.” I spent a few minutes scritching Sirocco until he had his fill as well and left.

Once again in blissful solitude, I closed my eyes and hoped slumber would arrive soon.

Soon I heard loud clacking of nails on the floor and as they approached I opened my eyes to find Magdalena coming toward me. She put her head on the edge of the bed, staring me in the face. When I didn’t react she then put her front paws on the bed and stood over me. When I didn’t respond immediately, hoping she would just go away, she clawed at my side. “Oww! Don’t claw me, brat!”

She put her head down and nudged me with her nose. “Fine.” I gave her several minutes of scritches. “Now, get down and let me sleep.”

About this time, Sirocco got up on the bed from the other side and nudged my back with his nose. “You already had scritches.” Major Tom, having decided he was missing out, came running into the room and bounded on the bed. “Get off the bed, guys!” They didn’t listen.

I obviously wasn’t going to get any sleep so I rolled out of bed. Magdalena figured that if the guys were on the bed, she belonged there too, and jumped on the bed. The three of them started wrestling and making a mess of the bedsheets.

“Everybody off the bed and out of the room!” I went to the door and opened it further. Major Tom and Magdalena jumped off the bed and left the room. Sirocco was all wound up, spinning in circles and running around as fast as he could. Major Tom and Magdalena came running back in, and jumped on the bed again.

“Come on, everybody out!”

I went to the bed to drag the dogs off. Major Tom and Magdalena leapt off and charged out of the room. Sirocco remained, spinning around. I reached for him and he dodged me. Then he bolted off the bed and out of the room.

One of these days I’m going to learn to close the bedroom door when I take a nap.

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